domingo, fevereiro 25, 2007

Como é bom recordar os tempos em que eramos pequenos. De tamanho e senso, mas grandes de amizade. Estranho é pensar que nenhum de nós sabia o que nos aguardava, o que nos trazia o futuro, esse bem incerto para todos. Tão perdidos na nossa inocência, tão absorvidos nas brincadeiras legais e bondosas. Não havia espaço para diferenças, para intrigas, para o que quer que fosse para além do que nós eramos e sentiamos.

Agora, pensar nesses tempos é tudo o que me salva deste cinzento. Talvez vocês também sintam falta do que era antes, mas ao menos sabem que é algo que ninguem nos tira nem poderá tirar, nunca.


Blogger Sara Caeiro said...

Como tens razão meu amigo desses tempos... Já estava com saudades de nos ver assim todos juntos... Ao menos sempre vamos tendo umas horitas parecidas com esses tempos...

domingo, 25 fevereiro, 2007  
Blogger Ricky said...

É verdade meu amigo. Com o "crescer" vêm os problemas... Tantas saudades que tenho desses tempos...em que apenas uma laranja dava para passarmos um intervalo bem divertido =)

Mas tens toda a razão, essas lembranças ninguém nos tira, esses momentos estão imortalizados em nós. E de vez em quando, eles vêm ao de cima, e por minutos, sinto-me a reviver o passado brilhante =)

Abração meu, e já agora, que te corra excelentemente bem o concerto ;) [[]] abração enorme []

sexta-feira, 16 março, 2007  
Blogger alex said...

But still, hydrocodone in the warm morning sunshine upon the piazza, I felt his placid presence, and as I crawled into his great chair, and drifted on in reverie through the still, tropical day, it was as if his soft, dreamy eye had passed into my soul.. Ralph heartlessly grinned. phentermine. He don't know exactly what the bargain were; for I've asked him, and he always begins with a multiplyin' of words and never answers adderall me.. Morland, how very fluent she is in French; and prozac she has only been learning eleven quarters.. He went away in inexorable wrath; threatening every practicable visitation of viagra public and private justice upon the head of the offender, whom he accused of having attempted to trick his daughter into an entanglement which should result in his favor.. We were forced to form such phentermine a succession for the sake of description ; in reality, however, it is much rather a matter of simultaneously trying this path and that, and of emotions fluctuating to and fro, until finally, owing to the most expedient distribution, one particular grouping is secured which remains.. Ah, Poopoo! glad to evista see you.. I happen to know the lady, and may corroborate this by saying that she grudges herself the salmon just as much aspirin as my patient grudges herself the caviare.. We soon came to see that I calcium was in the right.. But his face was scarcely as disturbed as his client's, who, in great agitation, had begun to argue lupron with him wildly, and was apparently pressing some point against the lawyer's vehement opposal.. But as a second motive power of the dream we may prozac mention the father's desire to sleep, for, like the life of the child, the sleep of the father is prolonged for a moment by the dream.. Analysis destroys thyroid the appearance upon which this derogatory judgment is based.. We leave all sinful things to the cialis vain and foolish.. Whip! said Buller, holding fast to the side of the seat; aspirin surely you don't want him to go any faster than this.. He called for his spyglass, and surveying the craft, saw that she came from the neighboring claritin island...

terça-feira, 17 abril, 2007  
Blogger alex said...

But still, hctz in the warm morning sunshine upon the piazza, I felt his placid presence, and as I crawled into his great chair, and drifted on in reverie through the still, tropical day, it was as if his soft, dreamy eye had passed into my soul.. Ralph heartlessly grinned. tramadol. He don't know exactly what the bargain were; for I've asked him, and he always begins with a multiplyin' of words and never answers viagra me.. Morland, how very fluent she is in French; and albuterol she has only been learning eleven quarters.. He went away in inexorable wrath; threatening every practicable visitation of tramadol public and private justice upon the head of the offender, whom he accused of having attempted to trick his daughter into an entanglement which should result in his favor.. We were forced to form such hydrocortisone a succession for the sake of description ; in reality, however, it is much rather a matter of simultaneously trying this path and that, and of emotions fluctuating to and fro, until finally, owing to the most expedient distribution, one particular grouping is secured which remains.. Ah, Poopoo! glad to ambien see you.. I happen to know the lady, and may corroborate this by saying that she grudges herself the salmon just as much darvocet as my patient grudges herself the caviare.. We soon came to see that I ibuprofen was in the right.. But his face was scarcely as disturbed as his client's, who, in great agitation, had begun to argue prednisone with him wildly, and was apparently pressing some point against the lawyer's vehement opposal.. But as a second motive power of the dream we may alprazolam mention the father's desire to sleep, for, like the life of the child, the sleep of the father is prolonged for a moment by the dream.. Analysis destroys diflucan the appearance upon which this derogatory judgment is based.. We leave all sinful things to the phentermine vain and foolish.. Whip! said Buller, holding fast to the side of the seat; medrol surely you don't want him to go any faster than this.. He called for his spyglass, and surveying the craft, saw that she came from the neighboring vicodin island...

quinta-feira, 19 abril, 2007  
Blogger alex said...

But still, lithium in the warm morning sunshine upon the piazza, I felt his placid presence, and as I crawled into his great chair, and drifted on in reverie through the still, tropical day, it was as if his soft, dreamy eye had passed into my soul.. Ralph heartlessly grinned. ibuprofen. He don't know exactly what the bargain were; for I've asked him, and he always begins with a multiplyin' of words and never answers thyroid me.. Morland, how very fluent she is in French; and phentermine she has only been learning eleven quarters.. He went away in inexorable wrath; threatening every practicable visitation of lexapro public and private justice upon the head of the offender, whom he accused of having attempted to trick his daughter into an entanglement which should result in his favor.. We were forced to form such bupropion a succession for the sake of description ; in reality, however, it is much rather a matter of simultaneously trying this path and that, and of emotions fluctuating to and fro, until finally, owing to the most expedient distribution, one particular grouping is secured which remains.. Ah, Poopoo! glad to prozac see you.. I happen to know the lady, and may corroborate this by saying that she grudges herself the salmon just as much calcium as my patient grudges herself the caviare.. We soon came to see that I famotidine was in the right.. But his face was scarcely as disturbed as his client's, who, in great agitation, had begun to argue tramadol with him wildly, and was apparently pressing some point against the lawyer's vehement opposal.. But as a second motive power of the dream we may butalbital mention the father's desire to sleep, for, like the life of the child, the sleep of the father is prolonged for a moment by the dream.. Analysis destroys vicodin the appearance upon which this derogatory judgment is based.. We leave all sinful things to the imitrex vain and foolish.. Whip! said Buller, holding fast to the side of the seat; valium surely you don't want him to go any faster than this.. He called for his spyglass, and surveying the craft, saw that she came from the neighboring prozac island...

sexta-feira, 20 abril, 2007  
Blogger alex said...

But still, aspirin in the warm morning sunshine upon the piazza, I felt his placid presence, and as I crawled into his great chair, and drifted on in reverie through the still, tropical day, it was as if his soft, dreamy eye had passed into my soul.. Ralph heartlessly grinned. evista. He don't know exactly what the bargain were; for I've asked him, and he always begins with a multiplyin' of words and never answers darvocet me.. Morland, how very fluent she is in French; and calcium she has only been learning eleven quarters.. He went away in inexorable wrath; threatening every practicable visitation of hydrocodone public and private justice upon the head of the offender, whom he accused of having attempted to trick his daughter into an entanglement which should result in his favor.. We were forced to form such xanax a succession for the sake of description ; in reality, however, it is much rather a matter of simultaneously trying this path and that, and of emotions fluctuating to and fro, until finally, owing to the most expedient distribution, one particular grouping is secured which remains.. Ah, Poopoo! glad to ambien see you.. I happen to know the lady, and may corroborate this by saying that she grudges herself the salmon just as much magnesium as my patient grudges herself the caviare.. We soon came to see that I allegra was in the right.. But his face was scarcely as disturbed as his client's, who, in great agitation, had begun to argue valtrex with him wildly, and was apparently pressing some point against the lawyer's vehement opposal.. But as a second motive power of the dream we may codeine mention the father's desire to sleep, for, like the life of the child, the sleep of the father is prolonged for a moment by the dream.. Analysis destroys cipro the appearance upon which this derogatory judgment is based.. We leave all sinful things to the calcium vain and foolish.. Whip! said Buller, holding fast to the side of the seat; cialis surely you don't want him to go any faster than this.. He called for his spyglass, and surveying the craft, saw that she came from the neighboring norco island...

sábado, 21 abril, 2007  
Blogger alex said...

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...

domingo, 22 abril, 2007  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Mas quando é que se volta a fazer posts bonitos neste bendito blog, hm?

Beijinho (:*

sexta-feira, 04 maio, 2007  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

pessoal, o blog está terminado porque nao me lembro do username para cá entrar. Vou inaugurar outro em breve, por isso ponham-se atentos. obrigado

quinta-feira, 24 maio, 2007  
Blogger Sara Caeiro said...

Ai que "lol" David... Só tu...

quinta-feira, 24 maio, 2007  
Blogger Sara Caeiro said...

P.S.: Vamos esquecer que eu utilizei a expressão "Ai que lol"...

quinta-feira, 24 maio, 2007  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Ainda bem que algo te salva desse cinzento...o importante é que não lá permaneças...otário!

sexta-feira, 14 setembro, 2007  

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